We have another certificate for implementing environmental education campaigns
The natural environment and pro-environmental activities are issues that are very close to us. We strive for sustainability of our supply chain and the production processes of our luminaires. We are also happy to join the initiatives of Polish organisations and companies, such as educational campaigns in the field of environmental protection carried out annually by the “Biosystem” Design and Implementation Company for Environmental Protection and Water Melioration in Cracow.
In 2021, we supported the following campaigns implemented by “Biosystem”:
- “MR SPRZĄTALSKI” – campaign on the principles of selective disposal of municipal waste from households. The campaign was intended for grades 1-3 of primary schools and kindergartens,
- “Collect Batteries and Telephones!” - the campaign is intended for students of primary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens across Poland. The purpose of the initiative is to increase environmental awareness related to proper disposal of certain hazardous waste, such as waste batteries and telephones.
- “Electro-garbage truck” – campaign intended for residents of towns and cities in southern Poland . As part of the campaign, waste electrical and electronic equipment is collected free of charge directly from households.
Our joint activities for the natural environment have been awarded with the certificate, which you can see below!